36 weeks pregnant



Today I had my 36 week midwife appointment.

I always get nervous about each midwife appointment in case I have missed something but as with each appointment everything has been perfect. Baby CA appears to be growing as she should be, her heartbeat is loud and clear, we discussed her movements not having any sort of routine but was assured as long as I am feeling her throughout the day all is fine. We found today that her head is right down at my pelvis, so just waiting for her to engage now. Safe to say I will be making good use of the yoga movements I learned at my daisy birthing classes to help move her along.

Over the last couple of nights I have been feeling what I can only describe as periody where I literally feel like I could wake up and find my period has started. My midwife said not to worry about this as long as I am having no bleeding as she said it’s probably just all my ligaments stretching to accommodate baby now that she is lowering down.

I do enjoy my midwife appointments as they make me panic less, as they reassure me everything is going to plan and just as I expected I was told that she will see me in two weeks but if I labour any time after 37 weeks then baby CA will be perfectly fine as this is thought to be full term. It is terrifying to think that from next Tuesday my little bundle will be fully developed ready to enter this world when she is ready.

I hope she is like her mummy, I am always early, or even like her daddy who always arrives right on time. Two weeks after her due date my husband will not be here so I am praying she arrives at her original due date, but as long as she arrives healthy and safely I will be a happy mummy.

How far along: 36 weeks and 1 day
Next appointment: 11th of May
Exercise: been doing a lot more on my birthing ball and going long country walks
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? Today I got a scan frame, it seems a bit late but we never did get round to getting one and I saw one I really liked today so had to buy.
Sleep: Broken sleep with toilet trips
Food cravings: none
Food aversions: none
Symptoms: Increase in toilet trips, nausea, period feelings at bedtime
What I’m looking forward to: Meeting our little one
Best moment this week: Finding out the iron tablets have been working and iron levels are perfect now for birth. Also hearing baby CA’s heart beat is always a great moment ❤



Maternity leave


Today I start maternity leave although I do have one last shift myself tomorrow, it feels so unreal, for all its ups and downs I will always be so grateful for the people I have met and the people I am thankful to now call my friends.
When I started there I was pretty to new to a new city, actually a new country even if still in the UK! I didn’t really have anyone other than my husband and my dog and was finding it hard to settle in. However a year and almost a half later they have helped me to think of the place as home and I will be forever grateful for that. Along our way my family has grown to another dog and a baby on the way, and I love how supportive and kind they have been listening to me go on and on about these changes along with my irritation of my husband always working away lol! I am going to miss hearing about their lives daily and I am going to miss having others to talk to daily! I mean who am I meant to share my dramas and frustrations with now (haha joking)! And share the happiness and excitement of things that have been happening in their lives!

But seriously, I know a lot of the time you can feel stuck in a rut in a workplace feeling under appreciated, under paid and under stress! But when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture it really isn’t bad, my job has allowed us to pay our bills, get our new puppy, get our new car, a bigger house and now get everything for our little princess that is on the way. It has given me incredible friendships that I hope continue out with the workplace and has made me feel welcome in a place unknown.
It is bittersweet to be leaving to leave so much behind but to have so much infront of me.
I will be back next year but until then, thank you for everything ❤️

Recap from 30 weeks and 31 weeks


The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a challenge, and I feel very lucky to have the little challenges that I have faced as there are worst things that can happen in pregnancy.

Over the last couple of weeks I have really struggled with my breathing, I am asthmatic and originally thought this was exactly what was wrong. I was sitting in work and felt as though something was sitting above my chest, it was so tight and just like with my asthma when I panic it got worse. So I got a last minute appointment at my doctors surgery, they could only give me one with a nurse who ended up having to get a doctor in to advise. He did all the tests checking my peak flow, listened to my chest, he couldn’t really give me an answer. This was all on a Monday so he said to go home and if I felt I was not any better then I was to go back to Wednesday. They said I may need a short course of steroids but because I was pregnant he did not really want to do that.

So I went home and worried about what was going to happen, simply going up the stairs or a short five minute walk was exhausting me. Sitting at my desk most of the day was hurting my hips and back to the stage I was either crying in the toilet on my lunch break or as soon as I reached my car at the end of the day. So by Wednesday I needed an answer. Trying to get an appointment wasn’t the easiest as apparently they have no doctors until late afternoon in surgery, which made me wonder why he even asked me to go back on a Wednesday but anyway I ended up seeing the locum and she was incredible. She put my mind at rest she checked my blood pressure, oxygen levels, checked my temperature, listened to babys heartbeat, and checked what position she was in. The only thing she could think of was that although my iron levels were fine they were 15 off of the average so she has given me a course of iron tablets. I was to take a week off work to see how I felt and she advised that if after a week off I was feeling better then not to go back to work and take maternity leave early. Of course I then decided after week off to go back to work because I really didn’t want to take maternity leave early, which I have chosen to do anyway, 8 weeks until due date so very early but I am looking forward to relaxing and getting prepared for our little one arriving.

Since taking everything at a slower pace I have felt much better, so I just have three more shifts at work left to get through.

Baby is developing well, I love seeing my bump grow, although I do feel like I am getting more stretch marks that I would like but at least I know it is because she is growing and developing ready for her arrival!


P.S. I did eventually get the whooping cough vaccine, a post to come on that!

How far along: Today I am exactly 32 weeks
Next appointment: Wednesday the 13th of April
Exercise: Last Monday I had my last yoga class, so have been practicing what I learned in class at home
Maternity clothes: I got a new maternity bra from bravissimo as mine was getting far too tight
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? We received a large bag of knitted baby clothes from baby’s nan and I tough a thermometer for the bath from Tesco
Sleep: Mostly I have been sleeping well, but I have found it a struggle since the clocks going forward to get to sleep early
Food cravings: At the weekend I had a huge craving for chips and cheese, that I ended up behaving like a two year old having a tantrum
Food aversions: nothing
Symptoms: Restricted breathing
What I’m looking forward to: Going on maternity leave and getting to focus on bump and I
Best moment this week: Feeling her kicks get

28 weeks 4 days pregnancy update

Officially in my THIRD trimester!!!

This is a very late post this week, I have been meaning to write but life has sort of got in the way this week and I haven’t really found the time. Have felt slightly stressed this week so I think that has added to it.

This week I had my 28 week appointment, which I had been dreading as I knew it was going to mean getting a blood test, and I have a terrible needle phobia. My appointment was at 10am so I spent my morning having a relaxing bath, with a relaxation candle lit and used radox relax shower gel. The whole morning I listened to the relaxation music part of an audio app I have. When I got to the appointment my usual midwife was off so I had a new girl and her student midwife. Thankfully they could not have been nicer to me.

I thought the worst part was going to be me being brave enough but it actually was that they couldn’t find a vein and they didn’t want to just take the blood if they were not sure. However after about 20 minutes we got there with a butterfly needle. I was so impressed this time with how I handled it, I think it’s easier when you can feel your baby kicking and you know you need to it for them. The pictures below are right round my arm, she used the blood pressure slieve really tight to make sure my vein didn’t disappear, I did say my arm was going numb….

After that I had to go to the dentist to get a filling, ever since I have been pregnant I have had issues with my teeth, my dentist says this is normal but its really frustrating when you have a needle phobia. However I have a lovely dentist and it wasn’t so bad. I lay there and listened to my hypnobirthing audio which helped relax me. It’s made me realise how useful it is going to be in labour so I will be packing my iPod in my hospital bag with it ready to go.

Along with these appointments my dog had the vet and came home with a load of medication for his allergies, thankfully he happily takes tablets! My car is not working properly and I went five days without any contact with my husband due to his work. It really has been one of those weeks, but I am feeling super excited for the week ahead. I cannot believe that in just over 11 weeks we will be at my due date and that next month I go on maternity leave!! This pregnancy really is flying in 🙂

So here are the facts this week…

How far along: 28 weeks 4 days
Next appointment: 23rd of March 2016
Exercise: Daisy foundation yoga classes and extra walking this week as I am having car troubles!! Thank goodness our new car is getting picked up this month!!
Maternity clothes: Not bought anything new again this week.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? No not this week…for once!!!!
Sleep: Having crazy dreams, but sleeping reasonably well, wake up around 2am or 5am for a toilet stop still though!
Food cravings: None
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Today has been a good week, not any new symptoms, but been feeling baby a lot stronger this week which has been lovely
What I’m looking forward to: My husband works away a lot and has been away a few weeks now. I am super looking forward to seeing him and for him to see bumps growth
Best moment this week: Hearing her heart beat loud and clear at the midwife appointment this week, it was amazing ❤



Baby Haul From Mamas & Papas

Hi Everyone!!

So please bear with me for this long post of items. I thought I would share with you the items we have bought so far for baby CA from Mamas and Papas. All of the photos I have used in this post are from their website simply because we are still waiting on items to be delivered and if they have been they are mostly still in their packaging. It will feel like Christmas when we start getting them all organised!!

So let’s get started, all of the items can be bought from the Mamas and Papas website (well they could last time I checked).

Ok so first things first… Our pram, this is the cybex priam in the autumn gold colour with the carry cot, lux seat and chrome all terrain chassy. When we went shopping we both fell in love with this pram,  because it is gorgeous!! It took a lot of looking around to find ones we liked, some were so expensive but their material felt very “cheap”. Also we knew we didn’t want a black pram but we also wanted one that was gender neutral so we could potentially use it again if we are lucky enough to have more children. There is so many features I love about this pram, there are far too many to mention, but if you like the look of it seriously get on to the website and look in to in more detail, it’s amazing.

Our car seat again is from the cybex range and is the cloud Q plus is desert khaki, we have also gone for the cybex isofix base for this as it takes away any human error when taking the car seat in and out of the car. I much preferred the desert khaki colour in the car seat, so I do not mind it does not match the pram. This car seat has a high spec for safety, plus it reclines to a lie flat position perfect when baby is sleeping when out and about, so I am very happy with this choice.

For the beginning we have bought the chicco next2me crib in dove grey, I am so happy with this item because I really love that it can be adjusted at one side for height to help with reflux and colic, my nephew had reflux so I know how handy this will be should my little one be the same. Plus it comes with a travel bag so you can easily transport it about if necessary.

Her swing is the mamas and papas starlite swing – catch a star, this was a bit of a splash out purchase, but we really loved it when we saw it in store and got a bit carried away.

With the steriliser we went for the tommee tippee closer to nature essentials kit and separately got a set of tommee tippee vari flow teats for the bottles to help in the beginning for expressed milk. We went for this because I plan on breastfeeding and this set is advertised to be used with expressed milk as well as items to help with bottle feeding. We have got it in the limited edition black colour, simply because it matches everything else in our kitchen.

My breast pump is the tommee tippee manual closer to nature one, I look forward to seeing what I think of this item, I wanted a breast pump so that my husband can enjoy feeding baby CA too and this pump was recommended by both family and friends. It is pretty basic but it is a great set for the price.

For the nursery interior we went for the zambeezee range from mamas and papas. Again we got carried away and got just about everything in the range but I love it, it’s so sweet and we both love safari animals so it’s perfect really for us. Again it’s unisex so we could hopefully reuse if we have another child. Everything we got in the range includes:

Two of the ranges soft toys

Changing mat



Large fleece blanker

Dreampod sleeping bag 0-3 months in 2.5tog

Cot mobile



Cot bar bumpers


Hooded Towel because we couldn’t not its a giraffe… so cute!!

I am also using mamas and papas pregnancy pillow I got as a birthday gift and it’s been a godsend for getting comfy.

Our nursery furniture is the kingston mamas and papas range, as we have built in wardrobes so we just went for the cot and changing table. I love the fact that on the changing table there is a separated bit on the top to keep items in, also with set you get two sets of handles so you can choose what look you want. We went for the metal ones in the picture below.

There are a few more items that I would like from Mamas & Papas but these are more wish list items. I love everything we have got so far, our order is arriving in April with most of the items and safe to say I cannot wait!! Everything screams quality from this shop, so I feel like it is a must look when you are looking for items to purchase for your little one.




Mothercare Expectant Parent Event Review 


Last night I attended my local Mothercare expecting parenting event, I was in two minds whether to go because at the end of last year I had actually attended a mamas and papas event where we ordered all of our large items and nursery interior at an amazing discount. So with little left to get I was not sure what I would get out of the mothercare event, and I had heard such mixed reviews. However I dragged myself off the sofa and off I went…

I am soooo glad I did!! The photo above is the goodie bag (not including the pandora bracelet lol forgot to move it!!). Not a great goodie bag, as with mamas and papas I actually got an outfit and a toy in mine but its free and you cannot complain at free, there are some nice essentials like the pregnacare vitamins and the breast pads, and you get 10% off. I liked this part because you do not need to use this on the day, you can use this for up to 3 weeks after the event, which is perfect because my husband works away, this means I can use it when he is back, we will probably use it for baby clothes.

With the event itself I was wondering what would be of interest to me, they were doing a car seat presentation (already bought mine) help with prams (already bought mine) help with maternity wear (already got what I need right now) help with nursery furniture (already got) so wasn’t sure what I would get out of the night. I did not go to the above presentations but from the ones I did go to I am sure they were really helpful and informative if you do not already have these items.

Two ladies did a talk on feeding bottle vs breast. They were talking us through the best products to have for each option to make your life easier whichever way you choose to feed your newborn. I found this really helpful because although I have already got my breast pump, bottles and steriliser I learned a lot about the bottle feeding side should that need to be an option.  Also with breast feeding I learned about nipple shields, which are things I had given no thought in to and will not be purchasing. The ladies were very clear and they were passing products around so that you could actually see the breast pumps working which was really interesting. Rather than trying to compare by looking at a box. I have bought a manual tommee tippee breast pump because this is what friends and family have recommended, but I am now giving some thought to the Medela Swing Breast Pump with Calma Teat which is an electric one, pricey but after seeing it in action I found it actually to be something that could be beneficial, I have put a photo below:

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Another product I learned about again from the Medela range is their Calma Solitaire Teat which you put on their bottles:

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This is a product I had not thought much about or to be honest even heard of but it helps if you are expressing milk for bottle feeding. The baby uses the same muscles as if it was on the breast so works just as hard for the milk out the bottle as it does out the breast. An item I will definitely be purchasing should I find any problems arise when I start feeding.

At my local Mothercare event on the night they also had speakers from different companies and it is safe to say I added to my details to every list because I was so interested in what is on offer for activities you can do with your newest addition, I think these are great for baby development but also for parents to get out and meet other parents.

First of all I spoke with a lovely girl from Sing & Sign they run classes across the UK and information can be found on their website Sing and Sign UK. Their classes help encourage your baby to use signs and gestures to communicate before they can talk. I find this really fascinating,  and I look forward to looking in to this further, but safe to say at the moment it is on my list of things I would like to do when my bundle arrives. I really recommend checking the website out if you have not heard of it before for more information of what it involves and classes in your area.

Second of all I went on to speak with an instructor from Water Babies. This is something I had seen before but mostly just their photo shoots I do not know anyone who took part in the classes. These are quite pricey I think they start at around £150 for a 10 week course of weekly half hour lessons but the great thing about this is you can start your baby as early as you want. They do not need their vaccinations. Again they run classes throughout the UK so definitely check out their website for more information: Water Babies UK. Again I have signed up for more information on the classes in my area, but it is another class/activity I had not even thought of doing with my baby and looks well worth the cost because your baby learns confidence in the water, which is an important life skill.

Finally I spoke with the founder of a local company in Bangor Northern Ireland called Little Ducklings Baby Massage, information can be found here: Little Ducklings Baby Massage. Now this is a class I have been looking in to doing and it was lovely to speak with Emma in person to learn more about it. I think you miss a lot of this when emailing or on the telephone, so events like last night at Mothercare are ideal.

On the night there was plenty of staff on hand to answer any questions you have about products, without you feeling under pressure to buy items but making sure you left fully informed in what interested you. I liked that you got to work your way around the stations as and when you wanted to without being forced to listen to things that were not relevant to you. They had drinks and nibbles to keep you going and with the offer available I think you could shop until you drop!

I certainly look forward to using my 10% discount in a couple of weeks and I am so happy I attended, I left finding myself happy to have taken part in the evening full on information that I was not expecting, and I honestly recommend for any mummy or daddy to be to go along to your local one. Events in different areas will have different people there talking so even if the activities I found interesting don’t interest you, do not be put off of attending as I am sure there will be something that will be helpful to you at your local event. You will find information here to see if there is an event near you: Mothercare Expectant Parent Events.


26 weeks 2 days


This week hasn’t been great, I was losing my voice and thought I was just coming down with just a cold, turns out as my 26 weeks pregnant present I got tonsillitis and I am now on a course of penicillin my doctor assured me was safe to use during pregnancy. To be honest I’m so glad there was something I could take because I’ve had tonsillitis before and it gets so bad fast if I try to let it run its course. So I’ve spent the last few days off work, drinking water, sleeping loads and making sure I’m getting plenty of rest. I think to be honest I haven’t been getting as much rest as I should have been so it’s been a wake up call. A lot of the time I forget I need extra care when I’m pregnant, so it’s been a lesson learned. My husbands away at the moment and I definitely forget to rest when he’s away.

I have been loving feeling how strong her kicks are getting though, so they will be reminding me to relax.

On Monday evening when tonsillitis hit I went along to my first Daisy a foundation birthing class, unfortunately I couldn’t complete all the moves because I felt so rotten but I loved it it make me feel great and gave bump and I just over an hour together, the yoga moves were perfect to stretch out my body which I didn’t realise was so tense, and the relaxation at the end nearly had me falling asleep, it was incredible. I am very much looking forward to the next 5 weeks of classes. I think my favourite bit is being around other pregnant ladies in my area, one of the girls is due a little girl the same day as me! It’s a class of 4 but one lady didn’t turn up so was just the 3 of us, I like that it’s small but wish there was a few more people to bond with.

I’ve also had a couple of packages delivered this week for my little princess. I got my baby beau Isabelle changing bag which I am ridiculously excited to use, I ordered it from http://www.very.co.uk and was a little worried I wouldn’t like it when it arrived. However it has and I’m in love, it’s even more gorgeous in real life. It will be getting packed as baby’s hospital bag and then her changing bag there after. I will do a proper blog post on this bag and hopefully at some point the babybeau clutch bag I have my eye on for when we are just nipping out.


Also from very we ordered ladybird sleep suits simply because I adore the words “some bunny loves you” which I thought was so cute, I adore bunnies and Spring time so I couldn’t resist, the set is of 3 and they are great quality, these are newborn size, so I’m hoping she is small enough to get a little use of them.


Now that I’m on the road to recovery I’m looking forward to seeing how the remainder of week 26 goes.

Speak with you all soon x

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25 weeks and 2 days – update

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So yesterday I had my 25 weeks update with my wife appointment.

It was a quick appointment, she tested my urine and blood pressure and listened in to baby’s heartbeat, all were great. It was funny when she was using the doppler though because my little princess kicked it haha clearly unimpressed with being prodded!! I was expecting for her to start measuring my bump because that’s what the hospital said but she said she would prefer to start that at my next appointment at 28 weeks. I am really nervous about the next appointment because she will be taking blood tests and giving me my whopping cough vacine, and I am beyond terrified of needles. I just need to “man-up” though because they need to be taken and done for both myself and babies well being.

This last week I got more deliveries of baby packages, one that I am super looking forward to using is maxi cosi easia baby carrier(pictured below). This is going to be so handy for our dog walks and maybe even getting things done around the house.MaxiCosi_Easia_img1._V336519644_


This week health wise I have been super tired after long days at work and feeling myself get grumpy because of this. A good thing though is that I will now officially be starting my maternity leave on the 29th of April, so not too long to go and I have a countdown to focus on!!

For next week I have booked in to a daisy foundation antental class, which I am really looking forward to, its 6 weeks long and starting on Monday, I feel like I am going early but the next set of classes took me to my due date so it seemed a bit silly to go for that. It works out better this way too as my husband is away so will fill up my evenings and let me bond with bump while educating me and let me meet knew mums to be too. Win win. The classes will be covering the following principles which I think will be great to go a long with my parentcraft classes at the hospital in April:


So I will keep you updated on how these go when they start 🙂

Getting prepared – 24 weeks Pregnant

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Today I have reached 24 weeks and 1 day of my first pregnancy, the last week has been allllll about baby purchases and getting prepared.

So to start, last weekend we got to build our nursery furniture and I have to say I love it, its the Kingston range from mamas and papas it is really sturdy and was relatively easy to build. I love the fact that with the changing table you get two sets of handles that you can choose to put on, I preferred the metal but it is personal preference. Our next order is arriving in April with the rest of our mamas and papas things we ordered in November, so will get our pram, all the nursery interior, car seat, basically all the big things. I cannot wait!!!


We have been ordering online extra bits and pieces too that we probably don’t need quite for her arrival, but I like to feel organised! I feel like I may as well move in to the click & collect store for the next few weeks.

One of my favourite little buys last week that I think that will come in handy is the Groegg (shown below). It changes colour so you can see at first glance if the room is too hot/cold and comes with a guide of clothing for baby to go with each colour, really its just a warning guide. Definitely not a necessity but I think it will be helpful for peace of mind.

230230361alt1I have started getting things for our hospital bags too, so I am slowly starting to feel prepared for little ones arrival, to many people I am probably getting too organised but with less than 16 weeks give or take to go I just think it is going to fly in. I would rather be as ready as I can than running about stressing last minute.

Health wise last week the tiredness and nausea have continued. I have started getting sore hips and back from sitting at a desk all day, to the extent I cannot wait to get home to sit on my tempur mattress, that has been a huge help the last couple of days!! With the tiredness I can almost fall asleep all day and as soon as its bed time I feel wide awake and have such an un-rested night which isn’t great when working full time. Safe to say I am counting down to my maternity leave.

The most exciting thing so far in my pregnancy has to be watching tv last night and my husband finally getting to feel her kicks. He is going away soon and I was worried he would leave without feeling her movements, so I was delighted he got to. It makes things feel even more real ❤ obviously I had to make the photo below for him to remember the moment… It was the perfect start to 24 weeks of pregnancy. Looking forward to seeing what the next week brings 🙂






23 weeks 2 days


A little update from my previous post… everything went great at my follow up hospital appointment and I will now be seeing community midwife until due date if all continues smoothly.

The happiest thing about my last appointment was that I now get to think more seriously of having a water birth, if all goes to plan (which is entirely up to baby) this is what I want most. I have now booked in to a class run at the hospital called active birth which will take me through all the options of having a less medically hands on birth. Along with this I will be attending two evenings of parent craft classes and a class fully dedicated to breastfeeding. These are all happening in April, so I have a while to wait but I am looking forward to getting all the information I possibly can to get my birth plan written up and make the final decisions of what is going to be best for both me and baby.

Lately I have become obsessed with re watching one born every minute, I cry every episode because I cannot wait to have my little bundle of joy here, although not going to lie it does make me slightly apprehensive about the birth, but for some reason I am looking forward to it. I am sure that will all change when it gets nearer to the time, but I know no matter how awful it is I will get to meet my baby and that’s all that really matters. I did watch an episode with my husband who said it made him feel “slightly queasy” lol so I am questioning how helpful a birth partner he is going to be!!!

Another thing I have become obsessed with is getting ready for baby, I literally cannot stop looking at things may it be health care for baby, nursery bedding, clothes, nappies etc if its related to baby I am looking at, my google search engine is getting beyond ridiculous! We took delivery of our nursery furniture this week, its not even built yet and I am questioning if it was the right choice, we have ordered our pram, car seat, nursery interior and I am questioning all of the choices all based on colour! I think I am driving my husband up the wall. My issue it I chose colours based on not knowing what we are having and was thinking it was a boy so felt everything more suited one. Now I know I am having a girl I feel I want to go all out and go proper princess pink bedroom, but I also really love what we have ordered, which is the mamas and papas Zam bee zee range that looks like this:


I really love it, we got everything the teddies, the changing mat the cot mobile. sleeping bag, towel and the curtains but I can’t decide if I want this for a little girl. I suppose I have all the time in the world to have the princess room and I suppose she may still come out a little boy!! Basically it’s been a very indecisive few weeks, and I am sure it will continue until she is here, then I will realise none of this stuff actually matters!!

Health wise I have been doing well, this week I have felt the most movement from bump, but as she gets bigger I have started feeling more tired again, having my husband home to help with our dogs and around the house has been a great help! I have had issues with my teeth with bleeding gums, and one tooth cracked, my dentist said this can just happen with pregnancy with all the hormones and baby, so I have been upping my calcium intake to try and keep my bones and teeth nice and strong. Also started to get the faint feeling when hungry again. this only started last night, and the feeling of nausea returned along with it. Hoping this all passes quickly as it’s such a horrible feeling. Other than this though I cant complain, I have been very lucky so far!

My next appointment is at 25 weeks so will keep you all updated 🙂 xxx