29 weeks 2 days Pregnancy update!!


Wow this pregnancy really is flying in!!

I would love to share that the third trimester is being kind to me, but I feel as though I am back in the first trimester with all the horrible symptoms sides of things. This week as well I gave the house a spring clean, and ended up doing too much that I had to leave work early on Monday for a nap and plenty of rest. I managed to convince myself as well that I was not feeling baby as I normally would and almost ended up at the hospital but after increasing my calories and resting it made a huge difference.

I am sooooo ready to meet this little one now, 10 weeks and 5 days until due date, I am getting very excited although I am starting to get slightly nervous now of what is to come so I have been doing extra practice of what I am learning in my yoga classes. I have also been listening to my hypnobirthing app every night before sleep to help relax me and I know that even if I fall asleep everything is sinking in to my unconsciousness. If you do not have any hypnobirthing playlists or apps I really recommend them, they are lovely to listen to while having some you and bump time and make you feel more confident about birthing your child.

How far along: 29 weeks 2 days
Next appointment: 23rd of March 2016
Exercise: I have now completed four weeks of my daisy foundation birthing yoga classes out of the six week course. I have also been walking more due to not having a car and having two dogs to walk daily
Maternity clothes: Not bought anything new again this week, but I have started looking into nursing clothes as I plan to breastfeed, if you have any brand recommendations please do comment below!!
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? I was given a couple of story books at work, these have been put in her nursery.
Sleep: Not sleeping as well, waking up with nausea and needing the toilet.
Food cravings: None
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: I feel like I am back in the first trimester this week with nausea, light headedness, feeling really hot and travel sickness is back!! Also back ache has started, and if I do too much I get pelvic pain.
What I’m looking forward to: Getting to spend time with my husband who works away a lot and having him see the difference in bump’s growth and feel her even stronger kicks.
Best moment this week: Getting the all clear from last weeks blood tests so I know everything is going ok with baby.

If there is anything you would like to read in these weekly updates please do comment below 🙂